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Search Options:  Retrieving  Document  Property  Information  

 Content of Retrieving Document Property Information.vbs
MD5 Hash: A16155199AA791D0DF5B433DFBB56B0F
' Description: Lists the summary information properties for a document named C:\Scripts\Test.doc.

Set objPropertyReader = CreateObject("DSOleFile.PropertyReader")
Set objDocument = objPropertyReader.GetDocumentProperties _

Wscript.Echo "Application name: " & objDocument.AppName
Wscript.Echo "Author: " & objDocument.Author
Wscript.Echo "Byte count: " & objDocument.ByteCount
Wscript.Echo "Category: " & objDocument.Category
Wscript.Echo "Character count: " & objDocument.CharacterCount
Wscript.Echo "Character count with spaces: " & _
Wscript.Echo "CLSID: " & objDocument.CLSID
Wscript.Echo "Comments: " & objDocument.Comments
Wscript.Echo "Company: " & objDocument.Company
Set colCustomProperties = objDocument.CustomProperties
For Each strProperty in colCustomProperties
Wscript.Echo vbTab & strProperty.Name & ": " & strProperty.Value
Wscript.Echo "Date created: " & objDocument.DateCreated
Wscript.Echo "Date last printed: " & objDocument.DateLastPrinted
Wscript.Echo "Date last saved: " & objDocument.DateLastSaved
Wscript.Echo "Has macros: " & objDocument.HasMacros
Wscript.Echo "Hidden slides: " & objDocument.HiddenSlides
Wscript.Echo "Icon: " & objDocument.Icon
Wscript.Echo "Is read only: " & objDocument.IsReadOnly
Wscript.Echo "Keywords" & objDocument.Keywords
Wscript.Echo "Last edited by: " & objDocument.LastEditedBy
Wscript.Echo "Line count: " & objDocument.LineCount
Wscript.Echo "Location: " & objDocument.Location
Wscript.Echo "Manager: " & objDocument.Manager
Wscript.Echo "Multimedia clips: " & objDocument.MultimediaClips
Wscript.Echo "Name: " & objDocument.Name
Wscript.Echo "Page count: " & objDocument.PageCount
Wscript.Echo "Paragraph count: " & objDocument.ParagraphCount
Wscript.Echo "Presentation format: " & objDocument.PresentationFormat
Wscript.Echo "Presentation notes: " & objDocument.PresentationNotes
Wscript.Echo "ProgID: " & objDocument.ProgID
Wscript.Echo "Revision number: " & objDocument.RevisionNumber
Wscript.Echo "Slide count: " & objDocument.SlideCount
Wscript.Echo "Subject: " & objDocument.Subject
Wscript.Echo "Template: " & objDocument.Template
Wscript.Echo "Thumbnail: " & objDocument.Thumbnail
Wscript.Echo "Title: " & objDocument.Title
Wscript.Echo "Version: " & objDocument.Version
Wscript.Echo "Word count: " & objDocument.WordCount

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